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Visit our Learning Hub for the latest Guidance on Navigation, Kit & Food Advice, First Aid, DofE Training Framework etc. You can even test your Knowledge!
Please complete our Activity Consent & Health Questionnaire Form prior to your Expedition. This Online version will allow you to complete and submit a digital copy to us.
Commencing activity without objection acknowledges you understand the following:
• I agree to my myself or my child taking part in a course. I agree to his/her participation in outdoor activities. I acknowledge the need for my child to follow instructions and behave responsibly. I understand that Outlook Adventures management reserve the right to send home any student whose behaviour is dangerous to themselves or others.
• I declare that there is no reason, medical or otherwise, why my child should not take part in this course and I undertake to fully declare the details of any medical treatment that my child is receiving and any other matter that the Centre staff should be aware of.
• I agree to my son/daughter receiving any medical treatment, including anaesthetic and blood transfusion, as may be considered necessary by the attending medical authorities. (Parents with objections to the administration of blood products should contact the Director at Outlook Adventures before completing this form).
• I acknowledge the fact that whilst Outlook adventures staff will make every effort to care for the safety of my child; Adventurous Activities have a RISK of personal injury. I have made myself aware of and accept these risks. The chances of serious injury are extremely low, but the chance of minor injuries (bruises, bumps and - less likely- minor fractures) are a possible result of taking part in Adventurous Activities.
• I understand that if the participant is taking part in a DofE Expedition, this involves periods of time where Teams are 'Remotely Supervised' in order to demonstrate their 'Self Sufficiency' as part of the Requirements of the Award. Participants are expected to work together as a safe Team.
• I understand that whilst Outlook Adventures is insured for public liability
purposes, this does not cover personal accident insurance.
In order for groups to complete programmes such as DofE expeditions, they need to be self sufficient, completing their route without any outside assistance. Remote supervision involves the group being monitored from a distance, with limited direct contact with the group.
Remote supervision can take different forms and instructors will move between different types of remote supervision to ensure that the group is managed without compromising the expedition experience.
In order to complete your DofE expeditions you need to have met the 20 Conditions for Expeditions as laid down by the DofE.
The first of the 20 Conditions is that the expedition is unaccompanied and self-sufficient without outside assistance. For this objective to be met, groups cannot be “led” by their instructor, rather they must be under their own steam and making decisions themselves along the way. We work hard to achieve the correct balance of safety and supervision, so that the group feel like they are on their own rather than knowing they are being closely shadowed, watched or monitored in any way – it is their experience and it should remain feeling like this. Our aim, therefore, is that remote supervision feels like the Teams experiential journey.